Production Sprint Week 1

Greetings Teachers and Wanderers,

This will be a short update, this week we simply wanted to be where we left of at the end of the Prototype sprint

Which we did, I do miss those Easter statues tho, they were neat :(

Aside from redoing most of the textures and the trees, The Artist also redid the BumperCart, added an Airdrop crate mesh/texture complete with parachute and animation! He also added some basic PowerUp meshes

From a programmers side, we've added A Beachball, Powernose and boxing glove powerup
We've also added a Blizzard environmental hazard!

Next week we want to implement animations, More powerups, more Hazzards and if I can find the time, I'll add a visual occlusion fix!



ProductionWeek1Build.rar 77 MB
Mar 13, 2019

Get [Group01] Game Project - BumperWars


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I'm looking forward to this game, looks cool :)